Als ich heute in die Arbeit kam, fand ich folgende Information in meiner E-Mail-Box:
"As many of
you are aware, the new EU ‘Parking at Work Directive’ comes into full effect
today. As a result, each staff member is now responsible for the upkeep of the
parking space which they occupy on any given day. This includes such tasks as
picking up any debris which lies within 36cm of your vehicles, and the
repainting of the white dividing lines between car parking spaces. Under the
rules of the directive, 1% of the budget has been redirected to cover
the cost associated with the implementation of the directive, and brushes,
shovels, paint and paintbrushes are now available at reception to aid you."
Gut, dass ich jetzt zu Fuß zur Arbeit kommen kann :-)
[... man beachte das Datum ... ]
LOL die machen aber jedes Jahr einen Park/Garagenwitz oder? ;-) Der letztes Jahr war auch gut